


In the last chapter of the study the writer presented her conclusion and gave some suggestions dealing with songs as a means of improving the elementary school students vocabulary.

5.1 Conclusions
From the previous chapter, the writer got the conclusion which relates to the findings: terhadap students’ vocabulary mastery in experimental group (students who were taught by using songs) was better than students mastery of vocabulary in control group (students who were not taught by using songs). It shows statistically, the result of the value of t test 2.10 was greater than t-table 2.00. Statistically, the difference of means score from experimental group was greater than control group. The mean score of experimental group was 80.4 and the vocabulary mastery was 12.76. from those statistically computation above, the writer concluded that there was significant difference in vocabulary mastery between the students who were taught by using songs and who were not taught in that way. And the increase was around 16.1. So, the students who were taught by using songs had higher achievement company to those who were not taught by using songs.

5.2 Suggestions
Based on the result of the study the writer gives some suggestion to English teacher and also the future researcher. To the teacher, the teacher should be creative in presenting the material of the lesson, especially vocabulary. The teacher have to choose the interesting way in teaching vocabulary with the students familiarity and suitability. To the future researchers: for the other researcher can use songs to teach English in different level, grade, subject and topic.
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