


In this chapter the writer presented and analyzed the data. Dealing with analyzing the data, the writer used t test formula. The data was found from the test that had been done previously. In this case, measurement was calculated through the result of pre test and posttest in control and experimental group.

4.1 Data Presentation
The following is presenting the data. In this case the writer analyzed two different means of pre-test and post test of control and experimental group.

4.1.1 Presentation of The Pretest Result
To find out the mean score of the students, firstly the writer made the table of mean. Then the mean of two samples from experimental and control groups were analyzed by formula of (Nazir, 1988:449).
Mean of experimental group:
Where: y1 = the pre test scores
N = the number of subject

= 62.7

Mean of control group:
Where: x1 = the pre test scores
N = the number of subject

= 60.4

From the calculation, the writer found that the mean of pre-test of the experimental group was 62.7. Then the writer calculated the mean of test as follows:

= 80.4
From the calculation the writer found out that mean of post test of experimental group was 80.4

4.1.2 Mean of Control Group
To find out the mean of control group, the writer made the table of mean, after that put the scores into the mean formula (Nazir, 1988:449) which is

= 60.4
From the calculation the writer got the mean of the pre-test of control group was 60.4. Then the writer calculated the mean of post test of control group as follows:

= 64.7
From the calculation the writer found that the mean of post test of control group was 64.3.

4.1.3 The Standard Deviation of Experimental Group
To find the standard deviation of experimental group, the writer made the table of the standard deviation of the pre test first (see table 4.3, Appendix VII). The formula is (Nazir, 1988:453).

Where: Sd = Standard Deviation
y1 = Pre test scores
N = the number of subject
Then the writer calculated the standard deviation of pre-test of experimental group:

= 12.86
After that the writer made the table of the standard deviation of post test (see table 4.4 Appendix VIII). Then the writer calculated the standard deviation of post test:

= 20.15
4.1.4 The Standard Deviation of Control Group
To find the standard deviation of control group, the writer made the table of the standard deviation of the pre-test (see table 4.5, Appendix IX). The formula is (Nazir, 1988:453):

Where: Sd = Standard Deviation
x1 = Pre test score
N = the number of subject
Then the writer calculated the standard deviation of pre test of control group:

= 12,75
After that the writer made the table of the standard deviation of post test (see table 4.6, Appendix X). Then from the table the writer calculated the standard deviation of post test:

= 14,75

4.1.5 The Result of Post Test
After giving the pre test to the experimental group, the writer gave the post. Then the result of post test was analyzed by using t-test formula. After giving the treatment, the writer wanted to prove the hypotheses of this thesis.
After calculated the mean of experimental and control groups, the writer calculated the error the differences between means with formula:
The result was 7.086 (see appendix XI). Then the writer calculated the t-value and used t-test formula:

The result was 2.10
If the result of the value of t-test was lower than – t table the null hypothesis was accepted and the research of hypothesis was rejected. In contrary, if the value of t-test was greater than – t table, the null hypothesis was rejected and research hypothesis was accepted.
From the calculation above showed that the score of the value of t test 2.10 at 0.05 levels significant with 50 degree of freedom (d.f) was greater than t table 2.00. It could be seen that there were significance different between the score of pre test and post test at the experimental group and control group. It mean that the treatment by using songs in increasing vocabulary had significance influence to increase the students vocabulary mastery.

4.1.6 The Difference of Means Between The Experimental Group and Control Group
After knowing the result from pre test and post test from experimental group and control group, the writer analyzed the difference of means between experimental group and control group. The first was from the experimental group. The mean of post test was subtracted from the mean of pre test. The mean of posttest was 80.4 was subtracted the mean of pre test was 62.7. The result was 17.7. The second was from the control group. The mean of post test was subtracted the mean of pre test. The mean of post test was 64.3 was subtracted the mean of pre test was 62.7. The result was 1.6.
From above calculation, it showed that mean of the experimental group (17.7) was greater than mean of control group (1.6). It mean that the students of experimental group made a significance progress at their vocabulary mastery.

4.2 Discussion
As stated in the previous chapter that the purpose of this study was first was to find out whether there was significance difference in vocabulary mastery between the students who were taught by using songs and those who were not taught in that way. After doing the research activity and analyzing the data carefully, the writer found that the students’ vocabulary mastery who were taught by using songs was better than the students’ vocabulary mastery who were not taught in that way. It was proved that H1 was accepted and H0 was rejected. It was show that from the result of the value of t-test (2.10) was greater than – t table (2.00).

The Calculation of the error of differences between means and t value

= 7.086
Calculate the t value

= 2.10

= 50

Tabulation Mean of Experimental Group

Tabulation Mean of Control Group

Tabulation Sd of The Pre-test of Experimental Group


= 12.86
Tabulation Sd of The Post-test of Experimental Group
= 20.15
Tabulation Sd of The Pre-test of Control Group
Tabulation Sd of The Post-test of Control Group
= 14.75
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